January 2019
It is finally the new year. So, what now? The holidays are over and it seems like a laborious stretch until the next break. After all the stress of the holidays, it is sometimes difficult to picture a whole new year looming ahead of you. We get it. To make the new year seem more Read More
“15 minutes?! Your swim lessons are only 15 minutes?!” This is a reaction that we have heard from a few families new to the Oklahoma Swim Academy program through the years and we wanted to take time to explain the ‘why’ behind it. We promise the reason behind the shorter format is not to make your drive less worthwhile, Read More
When people think of swim lessons they think of a fun kid’s activity, much like gymnastics, tee ball, or karate. The truth is, swim schools do not specialize in recreation; what we really offer is insurance. Parents are investing in so much more than splashes and smiles; they are investing in a safeguard that can Read More