Water Safety & Drowning Prevention
YEAR-ROUND SWIM LESSONS: Why Fall is the Best Time to Start
Blog, Survival Swimming Lessons, Water Safety & Drowning Prevention
When it comes to ensuring the safety of young children, year-round swim lessons play a crucial role. Drowning remains the leading cause of death for children aged 1-4 years old. Shockingly, a staggering 70% of these incidents occur during non-swimming times—when we are least expecting it. In these moments, children are often not even dressed Read More
Before heading to the pool to cool off from the summer heat, take a few minutes to read and share our top 5 Summer Water Safety Tips. Drowning remains the leading cause of death among children aged 1-4 years. Therefore, educating your family about the importance of water safety is crucial. Here are 5 essential Read More
Our heart breaks for the family who recently lost twins to drowning in Oklahoma City. We were further saddened to learn that they have received hateful and shaming messages to amplify their unimaginable grief and devastation. Everyone thinks the issue of drowning is as simple as keeping an eye on your child, in actuality nearly 9 out Read More