Our Common Goal As your child’s teacher, our goal for them is to learn survival skills in the water. We want them to love swim lessons and to learn and progress in every lesson. As their caregiver, your goal too, is to have a safe and confident swimmer. With this common goal, it is important Read More
Is your perception of water putting your child’s life in danger? Water has a reputation of tranquility and relaxation, but it is the greatest threat your child faces until they are 5 years old and the second greatest threat they face until they are 15 years old. Drowning is the leading cause of accidental death in Read More
Can my child “dry drown?” There is always a lot of fear when it comes to having your child put under water, especially for the first time. A lot of parents ask me about dry drowning and if going under the water puts their child at risk for that. The simple answer, is no. Where does Read More