Can my child “dry drown?” There is always a lot of fear when it comes to having your child put under water, especially for the first time. A lot of parents ask me about dry drowning and if going under the water puts their child at risk for that. The simple answer, is no.  Where does  Read More

How has Covid-19 impacted your life?  Has it changed how and for which items you shop?  Has it impacted the places you go and the people you see?  Maybe there has been a more direct impact in your life? Out of an abundance of precaution, we know that it has now affected your and your  Read More

A new toddler at the pool looks about with wide eyes.New sights, new sounds, new people, but why? A teacher stops by and kneels with a smile.Glancing back at the pool, it looks like an ocean to a child. Yet with a soothing voice and steady, gentle handThe child is lead to the water with  Read More
